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There are people who spend several years of their lives
collecting valuable and rare coins. They store them in
special books that are designed for this purpose, or they
keep them in a bank vault, taking them out only occasionally
to enjoy their prized possessions. The intention is that one
day the coins will be passed down to a family member or
perhaps sold for profit at auction.
However there is an easier way to search for lost coins for
gain. While they do not have the value of old or rare coins
that are recognized and prized by antique collectors, lost
coins nevertheless offer their own special challenge and
sometimes render an unexpected dividend when one turns out
to be a rare find.
Set aside a sturdy container for your soon-to-be-found
coins. Make sure it can~t tip, become misplaced, or get
broken by excited kids or a pet. Then start your own
treasure hunt as you find time. You can take a few minutes
each day, or you can save this hobby for a period of
several hours after work or over the weekend on occasion.
Don~t expect to find a lot all at once. Rather, be prepared
to put in the time that will gradually lead to a harvest
of riches.
You can get a metal detector device which will help you
locate loose coins in ditches, under cars, or in other
hard-to-reach places. Or simply rely on your eyes to
identify those gleaming metal circlets of potential wealth.
Start in your home. Check under the sofa and chair
cushions as well as under these large pieces. Look beneath
the dressers, on closet floors, in all the household
drawers, and inside the pockets of various clothing.
You can then expand your search. Check your car, including
including between and under the seats. Don~t forget to look
in the toy box, basement, and even the attic. Look under the
porch and on the patio, examining the cushions if you have
them there, as well. Keep an eye on the sidewalk or parking
areas of public places. You might find coins at the mall
or in any kind of community area or store. Of course, if
you see the owner drop a coin, be sure to hand it over.
Don~t allow yourself to spend the money you find. Instead,
place it in your container for this purpose and save it as
long as possible. There is an account of one man who saved
more than $2,000 over a twenty-year period by doing exactly
Jaycie Graham is the owner and operator of Fair Coins which is a
premier source of information about Coins. For questions or
comments about this article, please visit: