Monday, January 30, 2006

How To Achieve The Perfect Putting Swing

How To Achieve The Perfect Putting Swing

The following article includes pertinent information that
may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood.
The most important thing is to study with an open mind and
be willing to revise your understanding of golf if necessary.

When you have it, you have it. The world is yours. When
you don’t have it…then you think that you would be better
off placing the ball in the hole with your hand rather than
using your putter.

Just the last time you played you had the same stance,
putter, and “feel” as you had today, but last time you made
the shot easily. What happened?

Do you just have bad luck this time?

Putting is not a game of chance. Although sometimes it may
seem that there is no rhyme or reason to it, there are some
tips to help your putting.

If you are having putting problems, your solution can be
boiled down to one little word.


The information about Golf Putting presented here will do
one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know
about Golf Putting or it will teach you something new. Both
are good outcomes.

Concentrate on keeping your muscles relaxed while you are
putting and your shots will become more and more accurate.

Stiff muscles only make it harder to putt. Good putting
takes complete muscle relaxation so that your movements are
fluid. Fluid movement gives you the freedom to make a good
putt. If you are trying to tense your body up to keep your
balance, then you are guaranteed to have problems.

When you are not having problems putting, your confidence is
increased and you are having free movement. When you miss
easy putt, then you become tense and you try more carefully.
The more tense you become, the more freedom you lose and
your putting goes down the drain.

You can change everything about your putting and try to copy
every professional player imaginable, but it all hinges on
you being relaxed. Relax your muscles. Be loose and free.
Pretend your muscles are like jelly.

Making a good shot is impossible if you are tense. When you
stiffen up from your face to your feet, you lose the freedom
that you need to make a good shot. You may make several
shots this way, but there will come a time when all you will
hit are bad shots. You need to stay relaxed enough to fall
down (but stay up).

If you will stay relaxed then your putt will improve, your
confidence will rise, and you will be more relaxed for the
entire golf game!

Are you looking for the magic key to putting? RELAX! Good
putting hinges on this one key!

As your knowledge about Golf Putting continues to grow, you
will begin to see how Golf Putting fits into the overall
scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest
of the world is important too.