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Let~s discuss the existence of ~Super Psychic Children~.
There has been a real focus in the past few decades on
children who have been deemed to possess amazing psychic
abilities, they~ve been plastered all over the news so you
must of heard of them unless you~ve been asleep for the
duration. These aren~t your standard psychics, these are
powers that are way more far reaching than we have ever
experienced before throughout time. There are arguments
for and against whether they do actually have powers but
these children are starting to appear all over the world
and some statistics count that 100,000 of them exist.
The first super psychic child was discovered in China in
1974 when a small boy said that he had vision through his
ears. You could completely black out his eyes with a
blindfold and his ears with be able to see, in minute
detail anything you held close to them. He could recite a
page from a book that you held up without having to stop
and think once, almost as though he could see it. It was
then that other youngsters in China came forward claiming
to possess similar powers. It wasn~t just being able to
see with their ears but their nose, mouth and any other
body parts you care to think of. When they were examined
they all passed tests with no mistakes whatsoever.
The Chinese government stepped in and took these children
away to rigorously examine their psychic abilities when
their number reached near to one hundred thousand. At this
point there wasn~t just the ability to see but other such
amazing psychic talents as being able to get a pill out of
a medicine pot without touching it and then swapping this
with a coin that was on the table, again without
physically touching any item.
Soon, these children were popping up in other nations,
such as in the case of Mexico, which was made public not
long after China~s announcement that it possessed children
of this nature. Their government, by the way, could find
no flaw in any of their testing ~ regardless of their
abilities ~ and eventually opened training schools that
were designed specifically for this group. As new
children are identified as being gifted in this area,
they~re sent to these facilities.
There are lots of other incidents that have illustrated
the power of ~Super Psychic Children~. They have made
hundreds of roses come into full bloom whilst other people
are clutching them; pages of books have been pulled out,
scrunched up and hidden under someone~s armpit and they
can still recite it word for word; unhealthy people have
had their immune systems boosted and they have even
changed DNA. All in all, they can do anything just by
using their thought processes.
Of course, we could gather all of them together and use
them to solve all of the issues across the globe but who~s
to say what may happen next. If you do not believe that
they exist, hold that thought for a second and consider
this. If it is proven to be true that such ~Super Psychic
Children~ walk this earth and they can do literally
anything and everything with their minds, couldn~t this be
the ultimate weapon that could be used to destruct the
world as we know it? If someone catches onto this and
abuses these powers, this is potentially a real and
frightening thought.
Jean Previsi is a brilliant psychic, and owns & operates U Psychic, Inc..
This is a huge resource site for everything to do with psychic
phenomena. If you have questions or want to learn more,
come explore at: http://www.upsychic.com
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